Adv Campaign Summer 2023
From the shots of the advertising campaign created in Alicante for the Summer 2023 Collection, a new way of approaching Missoni takes shape, now based on the fundamental concept of all-encompassing experience. Ready to wear becomes ready to live with a stylistic interpretation of lifestyle that translates into the contamination and fusion of fabrics and styles between furnishings and clothes. The Missoni identity is captured by the photos of Theo Wenner who enhances every element, material and emotional, with inspirations and instants dilated to define a way of being.

The beach becomes a romantic and metaphysical non-place where long dresses and sand, sofas and waves, carpets and sunsets come into contact. Harmony between the individual and the environment, between indoors and outdoors, is essential.

The swimming pool is the scenario of a suspended time, far from the frenzy of a metropolis and close to the concept of vacation: a story free from predetermined constraints with slow days punctuated by exceptional moments.
TA eurythmic tale that photographs the Missoni philosophy, a playful and joyful thought that is translated through the brand’s key tool: colour. A synonym of life that leads back to specific moments of the past, collected in memory like pieces of a mosaic. Missoni’s new perspective focuses on these fragments of life, combines them artistically and inspires those who, in the everyday life, eagerly look to the future.